Washoku versus Yoshuku

We met a lunch lady unlike any other lunch lady. Patricia of Patricia’s School Lunches combines Japanese theory into her nutritious, organic, home-coooked school lunch meals.

There are five components of Washoku that distinguish it as a philosophy of eastern cooking (different from Yoshuku or western cooking).

Go Shiki – Five Colors that must be part of every meal – red, yellow, green, black and white.

Go mi – Five Tastes – salty, sour, sweet, bitter and spicy.

Go Ho – Five Ways to prepare the food in the meal itself – simmering, broiling, steaming, drying, boiling, frying. It helps balance the fats and acids in meals.

Go Kan Mon (Shojin Ryori) – Five outlooks on partaking the food. Based on Buddhist theory. It’s about respect, be positive, approach the table without anger, to eat spiritually and be focused on enlightenment. Think about what you are eating, basically and remember its there to nourish you not gorge yourself.

Go kan – Five senses – advises cooks to be mindful of sight, sound, smell and touch.

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